Wallets Pwnd [Beta]

A list of Bitcoin Hardware, Phone and Desktop wallet attacks

This list is not an endorsement of the security or the quality of any of the wallets.


Project Status Vendor Model Hardware Version Docs (Vulnerability Report, Vendor Announcement/Fix)
☠️🕵️‍💩🔵 Example Model Version Doc [1 V,A,F], [2 V,A/F], [3 V,A,F]
- Coinkite Coldcard Mk1    
- Coinkite Coldcard Mk2    
- Coinkite Coldcard Mk3    
- Coinkite Opendime V1    
- Coinkite Opendime V2    
- Coinkite Opendime V3    
- Coinkite Opendime V4    
- Ledger Ledger Blue    
- Ledger Ledger Nano    
- Ledger Ledger X    
- SatoshiLab Trezor One    
- SatoshiLab Trezor Model T    
- ShapeShift KeepKey 01    
- ShiftCrypto BitBox 01    
- ShiftCrypto BitBox 02    


Project Status|Vendor|Name|OS|Docs|(Vulnerability Report, Vendor Announcement/Fix) :—:|:—:|:—:|:—:|—|— ☠️🕵️‍💩🔵|Example|Model|OS|Doc|[1 V,A,F], [2 V,A/F], [3 V,A,F] TODO


Project Status|Vendor|App Name|OS|Docs|(Vulnerability Report, Vendor Announcement/Fix) :—:|:—:|:—:|:—:|—|— ☠️🕵️‍💩🔵|Example|App Name|OS|Doc|[1 V,A,F], [2 V,A/F], [3 V,A,F] TODO


Project Status|Vendor|App URL|Docs|(Vulnerability Report, Vendor Announcement/Fix) :—:|:—:|:—:|:—|— ☠️🕵️‍💩🔵|Example|wallet.domain.com|Doc|[1 V,A,F], [2 V,A/F], [3 V,A,F] TODO

Node Computers and/or Turn Key Images

Project Status Vendor Model Hardware Version Docs (Vulnerability Report, Vendor Announcement/Fix)
☠️🕵️‍💩🔵 Example Model Version Doc [1 V,A,F], [2 V,A/F], [3 V,A,F]
    CasaHold CasaNode v1  
    BullBitcoin Cyphernode v1  
    Nodl Nodl v1  
    Nodl Samourai v1  
    myNode myNode v1  


  • WIP
Icon Legend
🕵️‍ Poor default privacy
💩 Supports altcoins
☠️ Known unfixable exploit that could cause loss of funds
🔵 No known unfixable exploit that could cause loss of funds

Requirements for vulnerability to be listed

  • Working Proof of Concept

Explainer: Wallet Types


Learn more about wallet derivation types and recovery here walletsrecovery.org

Did we get it wrong? Just let us know, and this will be updated. :)

Want to contribute, make a Pull Request.